Fair, Fast, and Flat Rate Divorce.

We help you divorce differently. 

Our Locations:

Lexington, KY (Fayette County)

Louisville, KY (Jefferson County)

5 Steps To Agreed Divorce

Download the free guide instantly

A Service of The Johnson Law Group, PLLC | Attorney Advertising






1. Decide

5. Divorce

3. Start

2. Learn

4. Agree

Divorce is difficult.  If you are thinking about therapy, we suggest you try. Why not? Once you bring up divorce with your spouse, you should be prepared. We help you prepare.

We will guide you through the divorce process. If there is any issue with Court, we will be there to care and support you. If the Court does not accept your divorce documents, we will fix the issue or refund your money.

The average divorce costs around $20,000. We save you time and money by collecting your information first and then helping you work through the divorce to avoid court. 

Review The Kentucky Divorce Guide to educated on Kentucky divorce. Get a good understanding and prepare to talk with your spouse. 

Reaching a consensus in a divorce agreement is almost always better than going to divorce court. We facilitate agreed and mediated divorces without the expense of attorneys and courts because we believe, and judges agree, there is a better way to divorce.

“First rate in helping me correct BOTH my mistakes! Helped make the process as quick and easy as possible.”


Former Client

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“My husband and I agreed to keep what was ours and walk away. Brandon created the documents and made it simple.”


Former Client

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(502) 233-9888

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"Do It Yourself" and great for people without children or substantial assets 



Get Silver

• Fast

• DIY Divorce

• Less than 1 hour

• You coordinate signatures

• We provide technical support 

• We offer a 100% money back guarantee if the Court does not accept the documents

"As a recently retired Family Court Judge, I had the pleasure of working with Brandon on numerous cases. He was always exceptionally prepared, very well spoken, and an excellent advocate for his clients. I would highly recommend him!"

Dolly Berry

Former Family Court Judge

DIY plus attorney review and electronic filing

Essentials +

$490 + filing fee

Get Gold

• You provide us information

• We communicate with your spouse

• We negotiate between the parties (up to 2 phones calls with each party)

• We coordinate all signatures

• We file the divorce electronically and shepherd the divorce through to completion

Mediation for couples that want to settle without divorce court


$1,990 + filing fee

Get Platinum

• We help identify and eliminate contested issues

• We provide up to 8 hours of mediation at a neutral location

 Three packages to fit all of your divorce needs


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We have permission to email you.

Click to Schedule A Consult

J. Brandon JohnsonReviewsout of 5 reviews

• We know many excellent mediators and will help you choose the mediator for you.